Step-free access fail at Tottenham Court Road
Friday 24th of February – I was ready for a lovely night out and it all went wrong! As a wheelchair user, I always have to plan my...

Paris on Wheels
As featured in The Huffington Post Paris – one of the most beautiful and romantic cities in the world. I have been there twice. The first...

Valentine's Day - The Struggle to Find Love With or Without a Disability
Photo by Interrobang Media It is the time of the year again where we must find love in order not to feel left out. It is a bit like New...

La La Land #Overrated
The other day I went to see La La Land. I was very excited to see the film. After I read some reviews and heard few interviews on TV, my...

Wheelchairs Vs Buggies, is it really the end of the fight?
On Wednesday 18 th January 2017 Mr Doug Paulley half won his case against the bus company FirstGroup about wheelchairs vs buggies. My...

Technology is the best thing humans could ever invent. As a disabled person myself, I could not live without it. Well, I could, but it...

Me before You...here we go again!
Blog written for MDUK Trailblazers Trailblazer support, Romina Puma from London, writes a great blog on her view on Me Before You and the...

Life as a disabled comedian
Blog written for MDUK Trailblazer London Trailblazer, Romina Puma is a stand-up comedian and disability campaigner. She has been...

Hopefully Famous (before bound!)
Blog written for MDUK Trailblazers Romina Puma, who has muscular dystrophy, blogs about being a comedian and her new show for the...